Inception History
Without listing all of my background credentials, talents, and skill sets at this time, in early 2000, I was attempting to find a common starting point between another co-worker and myself while he was under my training for digital environmental control systems at Universal Orlando, and we had extreme communication challenges when it came to his understanding and comprehension on that topic. And without expounding on why I chose this approach at this time, my starting point was to illustrate my own decision-making process and then relate this to him as a narrated story. I never got that far.
With what seemed like little effort in a short amount of time, I produced the original drawing... and thought to myself, it can't be this simple! So I began studying the process for any obvious errors and really, could find none. That is when some of the symbols on the page began to appear in three dimensions, similar to that of a building blueprint, and the rest is a rather fantastic story of how I successfully navigated a self-generated psychological worm-hole to its natural conclusion, and the ensuing recovery and associated challenges.
As soon as I was able, I set upon the task of getting this information documented in the following manuscript, somehow knowing... there was more to come. It is my hope that one day, I will be able to update this manuscript, but for now,
...this is it.