
Thoughts and Phrases

One hasty decision, one un-thought out action can, and probably will, lead to a regrettable chain reaction that becomes an un-erasable piece of history, a dark story in the "box of stories" of your life, that negatively impacts your future and "rocks the glass of water." Skip the "all-important pause" before the action and most likely the trends will map downward for that particular interaction. 

The path of least regrets can be found by facing the potential consequences before committing the irreversible action.

It's not about the details, but it's ALL about the processes. Learn to manage the processes and the details will manage themselves.

Phrases I Find Myself Saying Often

1.   Life is the problematic resolution of one set of circumstances to the next, always trying to answer the eternal question, “Okay, what do I do next?” Remember, you can only do nothing for only so long.

2.   Anything you say or do can be deemed irrational by someone else, therefore it doesn’t matter what you say or do, but only what you think, and as long as you are thinking from an emotionally detached perspective, not emotion-less, those thoughts need no defense.

3.   You cannot say or do anything you want, but in the privacy of your own mind, you can think whatever you want.

4.   In any given dynamic circle, also called a “sphere of influence,” there is only one person in charge, however, none of us must go forward until all of us are okay enough for now. (Reference TEAM)

5.   For anything you choose to do, there is something you choose not to do. For as much emotional value you place on one side, there is equal emotional value on the other side. The answer is to minimize the emotionalism and pick one... just do something as you can only do nothing for only so long.

6.   The “Law of Perspective” clearly states, that for any given perspective, there is at least one equal and opposite counter-perspective which must be respected and considered valid until it is proven invalid.

7.   People come and people go, and sometimes the people that left come back.

8.   The power of insight only serves to disrupt the status quo. Sometimes for the better but most often times not so much. Be careful what you wish for.

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